Here is a list of the top ten promises people make at the brink of a new year..AND for each resolution is an iPhone APP to help you stick to your guns..
1. Spend more time with family and friends
App: Everguide helps you plan your next family activity with a list of events going on across the country
2. Tone the butt
App: Body Fitness offers calander style fitness planning
3. Tame that bulge
App: Calorie Track is customised for your own height, weight and goal weight, this app even monitors your daily progress and if you fall off the wagon, helps you get back on track
4. Kick smoking out the door
App: Quitter is like having a personal motivator. It records how many days you have been off cigarettes and how much money you have saved to keep you on track
5. Enjoy life more
App: Living Social offers savings on hotels, restaurants, adventure activities and beauty therapies for all major Australian cities and surrounding areas
6. Give away the bottle
App: Quit Drinking by Doctor Milne provides you with a plan to keep your mind on track and provides you with motivational quotes and sobering facts about drinking
7. Kiss debt good-bye
App: Monitor your expenses and stick to a budget with Expenses Lite
8. Expand the brain
App: Free French Tutor allows you to learn from your lounge room. With audio for all words and flash cards you are bound to be fluent in the language of love in time for Valentine's Day
9. Get organised
App: Bento Organiser Track expenses, create to-do lists, manage your schedule. A complete personal organizer/information storage system
10. Extend a helping hand
Really? You expect to use an iPhone App to achieve this? Here's an idea - ask the next person you see if there is anything you can do to help them!
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Popularity Contest
Have you ever wished that you knew what beauty products other women are raving about?
Forget about brand, cost and what's in fashion - below are beauty products that do the job properly and most importantly are purchased at least every minute around the world by women just like you and I.
What: YSL Touche Éclat - Skin illuminating, great for under-eye and for masking fatigue
One sold every 10 seconds worldwide
What: Rimmel Hide The Blemish Concealer - A damn good concealer stick
One sold every 30 seconds worldwide
What: Nivea Creme - Moisturizing creme in a trusty blue tub
Five pots sold every minute worldwide
What: John Frieda's Frizz-Ease Serum - Serum to tame frizzy hair
Three bottles sold every minute worldwide
What: St Ives Apricot Scrub - Face scrub
One bottle sold every 20 seconds worldwide
What: Chanel No.5 - Chanel's most famous perfume
One bottle sold every 30 seconds worldwide
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
One Billion Smackers
Ever wondered what you would buy if you had an unlimited supply of money... or a billion bucks?
Here's the worlds most expensive house which has a hefty price tag of just that and more importantly is the first billion dollar home the world has ever seen.
The custom built 27 story mansion sits high and mighty in Mumbai and is the home of the world's fifth richest man Mukesh Ambani - head of Indian petro-chemical giant Reliance Industries.
With double height ceilings, ballrooms, crystal chandelier ceilings, retractable stages, and 600 servants, there is no other home on earth that compares to the 570 feet tall you can even call it that!
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
The House Of Marley
Rohan Marley with TV Presenter Chantal Leptos |
I was invited to attend the official launch of the legendary Marley Families new brand, The House of Marley, and charity foundation What's better than attending such an awesome event is that I had the pleasure of interviewing Bob Marley's son, Rohan Marley AND Natalie Pa'apa'a from world acclaimed band Blue King Brown!
In amongst all my presenting duties I was also producing the video so for some time prior to the shoot I was very busy organising and coordinating both myself and my 3 fabulous crew members.
After a stint in hair, make-up and wardrobe I was ready to hit the red carpet at the event and do my thang publicity wise before getting the opportunity to round up my crew and start talking the talk.
What occurred next really blew me away, a man walked down the stairs from the second level observing the crowd as he made his way down and when he hit the first story landing it was very clear as to who this guy was. It was the son of Bob Marley, Rohan Marley, and let me say this - his presence and aura took over the room - despite who this man is there was no ignoring that there is something very special about him and his being.
I observed Rohan closely before making my way toward him to introduce myself, he embraced so many people with such respect and gratitude, he grooved around the room to his father's music and I often caught him singing along to Bob's songs and it was clear that he believed in every word he sung.
Blue King Brown |
Then it was my turn, I approached Rohan Marley and he embraced me like an old friend.. and what happened next is extra spesh.
At the very beginning of our interview just as 'action' was being called Rohan put his arm around me and begun singing to a song that had just started blaring through the speakers; Could You Be Loved by Bob Marley.
OF COURSE this is not a normal occurrence especially in the life of moi so for a tiny second I savoured that exact moment and just took it in. Rohan Marley sung to me.
OF COURSE this is not a normal occurrence especially in the life of moi so for a tiny second I savoured that exact moment and just took it in. Rohan Marley sung to me.
The event was very cool and casual with a big emphasis on "Peace, Joy and Giving back", The House of Marley audio products are more than just headphones and speakers, they are made using our planets resources and then in turn they give back to the planet through proceeds and 1Love.
The official sneak peek of the launch and interviews with Rohan Marley and Natalie Pa'apa'a will be available in the near future so keep visiting to find out when!
The House of Marley |
Thursday, July 28, 2011
The very first release from the 'State of Design' series showcases super talented and super savvy textiles designer Ellie Bradley and her self made label 'Xavier&Me'.
As a home decor freak myself I have to admit that I was actually really really excited to interview Ellie, my house will definitely rock her style.
Interview with TV Presenter Chantal Leptos and designer Ellie Bradley from Xavier&Me
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
State of Design 2011
The Mecho crew and I were pleased to be informed that we had been invited to cover the State of Design Festival.. and that's exactly what we did!
The day was cruisey and super exciting as we were surrounded by so many amazing products, design concepts and designers! It was a real blast working in such a creative and stimulating environment and of course I made full use of our time and interviewed as many cool and creative designers as possible.
We actually ended up with a huge amount of footage and generally speaking you can afford to discard a lot but in this case we felt that the footage we had captured was so great we would use as much of it as possible!
Instead of the State of Design video being all in one will be releasing several videos each showcasing different aspects of the day and interviews with different designers. So, best that you keep your eyes peeled over the coming weeks!
Here's a teaser video for your viewing pleasure...
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
How's About A Yarn?
Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls, allow me to introduce you to...Chantal's Voice Reel!
Actress, Presenter, Voice Artist, Writer and Producer ... and I'm not just saying that ... I actually am and I even have the credits to back it up ... ha!
You can read about my recent adventures regarding headshots and showreels in previous posts as well as view the actual goods!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Rendezvous with Nick Hamon Casting
I recently sent out some 'targeted' e-mails to casting directors I am keen on meeting with, one of which was Nick Hamon Casting. Not even 24 hours after having sent the e-mail I received a call from their casting office inviting me in for a general audition for the following day. I presume they liked my new headshot and showreels. Yay for me!
I was actually out walking my pooch when I received the call and didn't have a pen or paper to write down details, so I memorised the date, time and location and literally ran all the way home to start preparing.
My first train of thought was to use the single handed monologue I recently used for my general at Mullinars, but then I remembered about a certain scene that I had worked on whilst in LA during 2009 and set out on a massive Internet search to find it. In this case the casting director was happy to read, so why not?
The scene I am referring to is from the film Chasing Amy, it's a scene between Alyssa and Holden that takes place in a park where Alyssa is talking with Holden about her being a Lesbian.
I eventually found the scene and embarked on memorising lines, surprisingly I remembered most of lines from back in 2009 and it wasn't long before I had them all down pat. I also had all my scene study work from the first time I had worked this scene as well as the notes my teacher at Ivana Chubbuck had given me on my initial performance so I was able to spend most of my 24 hours rehearsing before turning up at the casting office.
Unfortunately, I have no tales of being forgotten about this time round, I turned up and waited in the waiting room for a while before realising that my heart was beating mighty fast. I then realised I was nervous, very nervous. I was not prepared for something as silly as nerves to get in the way of my audition so despite the other actors in the room I stood up and stretched, jiggled and wiggled and sent those nerves packin'!
I met with Megan and we ran through my lines once off camera before filming the scene, I choose to sit on a chair and used a take-away coffee cup as my prop (reusable of course, gotta be friendly with the environment).
My feedback, well as usual it wasn't much, a warm and friendly "that was really nice Chantal" was what I got and to be frank I am totally wrapped with that. How do I feel about my performance, well, it was smooth, natural, reactive and .. really nice.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Did someone say..Showreels?
Now when I am asked whether I have a showreel by casting directors and industry professionals I am proudly able to answer with a big YES. Although I have had showreels in the past I am very proud of my newest creations, they are very professional, showcase my talents in an honest light and importantly showcase aspects of my personality - which is a big plus!
Lucky for me I had lots of presenting footage to choose from when putting my presenting reel together, I didn't just choose any old footage either, I took time in selecting the right clips in order for each clip to show something slightly different about me and my presenting skills. To be honest, lots of forward planning and strategy was applied.. and that's how I ended up with this...
You can take a look at my acting reel too. Although, I have not included as much footage as I would have liked due to some projects being in post-production for longer than anticipated. There's some very dramatic and heart wrenching footage to be added from Life After Life, as well as some funny American cheer-leading action from a film I did in the states!
Like always, I will have more on offer very soon, stay tuned for my new voice reel!
Monday, July 11, 2011
Take 2 - Headshots!
Hooray! The time has finally come where I can announce to everyone that I am super organised actress/presenter, whom is well prepared and most importantly - ready to roll!
The headshot situation ended up being some-what of a dilemma for the mere fact that I am both an actress and presenter and feel that I require different headshots for each. Problem is, having different headshots can be very confusing not only to yourself but everyone else working in your industry.
I ended up doing three headshot photo shoots in order to try and achieve the perfect shot that balanced between acting and presenting whilst at the same time capturing some sort of truth about me and my personality. That's how I ended up with this..It's happy, bright and me! I think this image also shows me as a type of blank canvas and demonstrates that my look is easily versatile and dynamic. While this photograph would not be the most suitable in my normal non-acting day-to-day life, I think it's very suitable for it's purpose, sends a nice message and most importantly is easily marketable.
Chantal Leptos Actress and TV Presenter |
For the first time ever I have also chosen to use a secondary headshot. Here it is..
Chantal Leptos Actress and TV Presenter |
I think this photograph is great for film and theatre and again showcases me differently but still truthfully. I can be a very serious and dramatic actress at the best of times and this photograph captures that well. I think this photograph also captures my honestly and maturity.
People often comment on how there is something 'unknowingly different' about my look and I think this headshot captures that well too. There aren't many people who look like me.
Both headshots I have chosen are different to one another and portray a totally different look, but strangely enough both headshots are what I look like on any given day so when I turn up to an audition it's safe to say that I will look like the person in my picture!
Both headshots I have chosen are different to one another and portray a totally different look, but strangely enough both headshots are what I look like on any given day so when I turn up to an audition it's safe to say that I will look like the person in my picture!
I hope that you like my headshot selection and let's hope these new images drum up some attention..even a little attention will do...
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
I dread the realisation of needing new headshots.
I dread the photo shoot.
I dread the photo selection.
I dread one of the most important processes that is absolutely detrimental to my acting and presenting career.
In my most recent shoot for a new headshot I spent a lot of time considering the type of headshot that I needed and exactly what I wanted that photograph to say about me. It's really difficult to get a photograph to talk, I should know this very well as headshot photo shoots are something that I have been doing for the last twelve years or so.
I am looking for three things in my headshot; versatility, eyes and spark (personality). These are three things that I absolutely possess and when meeting me in the flesh there's no doubting that I am all three, it's just unfortunate that in this industry the headshot does the talking before the flesh and blood thus my quest to bring my headshot to life.
My advice to bringing a headshot to life is much like the "move it" song from Madagascar "I like to move it move it". You just have to let it go, keep active and let that personality shine through!
As I progress through my career I find that I learn something new everyday, I feel like I take another little step which leads me to growth and strength in my craft. Everyday brings a tiny bit of clarity and understanding towards what I do and the industry that I have chosen to be part of.
The strength that focus brings is amazing.
Stay tuned for the headshot selection - I will update via blog posts very soon!
Thursday, June 16, 2011
A Date with Mullinars
Last week I was contacted by Mullinars Casting Consultancy for a general audition just after I had resorted to begging the universe for a brand new, shiny, opportunity. This opportunity was very welcomed as the last time I had auditioned for Mullinars was about four years ago!
I began to follow my usual twelve step process in analysing and creating my scene, which was from Bridget Jone's Diary, that led me to experimenting with subtext (something I absolutely love) and rehearsal time.
This is a little off topic but - through my recent auditions with Channel 7, of which I got so incredibly close but just fell short, I learnt that I have a tendency to over rehearse and doing so effects me in a negative way. During 7's audition stages I opted to stop rehearsing as soon as I got my performance to a desired level, this enabled me to know what it felt like when I was doing it right. I did the same thing this time and again it proved to be a beneficial technique in keeping my performance very realistic and natural (changing your subtext around helps too).
Back to it, I got to Mullinars and let them know that I had arrived before I took a seat in the waiting room. Seeing as though I was the only one in the waiting room I decided that I'd burn some nervous energy and stretch, jiggle, wriggle, etc. Then I decided to run lines. Then I decided to do my entire performance. Then I decided to read a magazine. Then I decided to tell myself all about my character, in character of course. Then I decided to have a conversation with the imaginary person next to me in my character. Then I wondered if they had surveillance cameras in the waiting room and stopped. Then I sat in silence and wondered if I had been forgotten about.
Close to an hour later two of the casting directors waltzed through on their way to lunch and stopped in surprise when they spotted me. After a little conversation we realised I had been requested to audition in Sydney not Melbourne! This was news to me. A quick phone call to Sydney cleared everything up and into the audition room I went with Kim.
We chatted for a little while and then I took a moment to get into character and focus on my scene objective and moment before. Lights, camera, action.
Funny how things happen, I've been trying to get someone from Mullinars to see me for such a long time now and in a weird, twisted little way I finally got what I wanted, I just had to take the long way round.
Was it a good performance. Probably. Did they think so? Maybe. I just hope that they consider calling me for auditions from here on - I miss out on auditions and potential roles that they cast and they miss out on being the casting agency to claim discovery of moi.
And that's how the world goes round.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Acting & Presenting Website
Finally I am able to introduce my very basic and non-complicated Acting and Presenting website! The purpose of my site is to simply link industry professionals to me and keep everyone up to date on the acting and presenting work that I do.
One function that's really cool (and very organised) is the tabs that are featured on my website!
You have an F tab which connects you to my facebook, IN tab which links you to my CV on LinkedIn, a Youtube tab which features my showreels, B tab that directs you straight to my blog!
Truth be known it has taken me a long time (years actually) to put a website together but as time has passed I have heard more and more that it is important to have a website because it shows you in good professional light as well as portrays dedication and seriousness in your craft. I'm not sure how much of this is true because I would have thought that my relentless communication, constant marketing and PR, creating my own projects and constantly being hired to work on others projects was "dedication and seriousness"..but maybe not? Add a lengthy trip to LA for training, weekly acting classes here in Melbourne and regular experience working in front and behind the camera ... and you'd think I'd be standing in pretty good light, right?
Well, here's to my new website, may it provide me with yet another small push in the right direction.. and if that doesn't work I have plenty more up my sleeve because an artist that is serious about her craft never gives up!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Shop Till You Drop
Bang & Olufsen Earphones
They are pure and bright in signal colours, embody comfort, modern design and unsurpassed sound quality. Packaged in a lightweight compact unit that adjusts to the contours and curves of every individual ear, these babies have won awards from MacWorld Magazine and a four star award from BBC Music Magazine!
You even get an Oroton leather pouch with the earphones!
They are pure and bright in signal colours, embody comfort, modern design and unsurpassed sound quality. Packaged in a lightweight compact unit that adjusts to the contours and curves of every individual ear, these babies have won awards from MacWorld Magazine and a four star award from BBC Music Magazine!
You even get an Oroton leather pouch with the earphones!
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Bang & Olufsen Collins St $220 |
Like me, if you find yourself in provincial Victoria more often than not then you will surely agree that a good pair of wellies is a must! Who said that Wellies have to be conventional? Try these for size!
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$139 from |
There's been a few Aussies that have had some pretty good rants over the years. This book isn't limited to the preserve of politicians and military figures and makes for a great read or flick book!
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$39.99 from David Jones |
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Speak To Me!
Every now and then I need a little inspiration and my favoured form of inspiration is expressed through home-wares and interior decorating. Both mediums often reflect on my mood, outfits, style, the shoes I wear, what I eat and even where I go - it's what I rely on for direction and motivation in my work and life.
I thought I'd share the inspiration that has me reeling this week.. and just so you know.. I research my 'inspirtation' for hours, sometimes days, until I find just the right thing that speaks volumes to me and that I connect with.
Here we go, enter Kelly Wearstler..
..and now I can breathe..
Monday, May 2, 2011
The Blow Dry Bar
First things first - I LOVE BLOW WAVES and if you do not share the same passion as I do then I suggest you visit The Blow Dry Bar to kick start your steamy affair!
The very famous BDB from Sydney has opened it's doors in Melbourne! Blow Waves, aka Blow Drys, aka Blow Outs (phew) are just $35 regardless of hair length and that's damn cheap if you ask me!
BDB Location at 480 Collins St, Melbourne, visit their website here: Blow Dry Bar
The very famous BDB from Sydney has opened it's doors in Melbourne! Blow Waves, aka Blow Drys, aka Blow Outs (phew) are just $35 regardless of hair length and that's damn cheap if you ask me!
BDB Location at 480 Collins St, Melbourne, visit their website here: Blow Dry Bar
Monday, April 18, 2011
The Holy Grail
This is for all the gal's out there who love shoes as much as I do..
Behold! The words most expensive shoes retailing at a whopping $217,000! Of course, not a pair has been sold since hitting shelves five months ago.
Each pair is made from solid gold, features more than 2,200 diamonds, totalling 30 carats.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Myer Melbourne's Grand Opening
Didn't manage to score yourself an invitation to the big Myer Melbourne Grand Opening bash?
Save Water, Drink Champagne has you connected with front row seats with all the best action captured on video!
Click, watch and enjoy.
Save Water, Drink Champagne has you connected with front row seats with all the best action captured on video!
Click, watch and enjoy.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Filming at 'Manstyle'!
It's a big part of life even if you happen to think that it's not and we are all an example of fashion via what we choose to wear. You may disagree, but at some stage in fashion history what you're wearing today was an "it" fashion item and that makes you part of the fashion rat-race!
I recently covered the Manstyle exhibition at the National Gallery of Victoria and this time round I wasn't just the presenter I was also the producer!
The crew and I were lucky enough to cover the exhibition on a day that the gallery was closed which meant that we had a private viewing of the entire exhibition (it was better than my fantasy of being locked in a supermarket alone overnight)!
The Manstyle Exhibition covers men's fashion from the eighteenth century through to 'now' with a focus on the 'male peacock and dandy'. Don't know what that means? Well, you might just have to wait for the video to find out and I assure you - it's well worth the wait!
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TV presenter Chantal Leptos at Manstyle |
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Louis Louis
First impressions suggest that this Louis chair is over-the-top in it's girlishness but to me it's plain beautiful and enough to change the dynamics of any room and instantly make it stylish, unique and exciting.
Whilst I can't see my boyfriend making himself comfortable on this little beauty anytime soon, I can sure as hell say that I would most certainly treasure this fine piece of furniture, even if he will not.
This chair is primarily why we should all strive to have both a "boy" and "girl" room in our homes.
My "girl room" would house this chair, definitely.
His "boy room" would probably house a Daytona machine...
My chair is way better.
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Colonial Strawberries and Cream Carved Louis Chair |
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Scotch and Soda
If given a choice between alcoholic beverages my first choice would be champagne, second is scotch - and none of this 'red label' business, thank-you.
In this case, Scotch & Soda is a premium clothing brand from Amsterdam and is best known as 'Scotch & Soda Amsterdam Couture' and my oh my, don't we just love their collections for both Men and Women!
I think it's fair to say that a touch of Euro has finally been brought to Aussie shores with bright colored, floral and slim fitting designs to be adored! The clothing is easily described as vintage, varsity and fusion which makes for a damn good head-turner of an outfit! Keep an eye out for their men's casual shirts, tailored shorts and bright swimmers.
You won't find Scotch & Soda forking out for big time advertising campaigns so don't expect to see their gear on a billboard any time soon, they believe that their clothes do the talking, not the big-bucks advertising.
You can find Scotch & Soda in Melbourne at;
David Jones Melbourne
Men's only
Men's Store, Level 1
Scotch & Soda
Men and Women
74 Collins St Melbourne
Ph. 03 9663 4302
Cin Cin!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Filming at MAKEDO!
It's all about 'making do' with what you have around you to create really cool and imaginative question is.. what if you are not creative?
Last week my crew and I were sent off to the very first Makedo marker event in Melbourne at Makedo headquarters.
Remember: Creativity, Recyclable, Reusable.
You get joiners/connectors, hinges and a safe saw in the Makedo kit right? Well, that's all you really need in order to get started because everything else basically comes to you - it's just a matter of keeping your eyes peeled and using your imagination.
See that's thing, once you have the Makedo kit your options are endless because objects are made using anything and everything that you may find in your own home, for example, cereal boxes, egg cartons, take-away coffee cups, shampoo bottles, etc.
We turned up to the shoot location and I think we were all pretty amazed by how cool the Makedo headquarters is.
First point of coolness is that Makedo headquarters is housed in a converted warehouse.
Second point of coolness is the open plan communal space that includes a trendy industrial kitchen, Philippe Starck Louis Ghost Chairs around the dining/meeting table (sigh), bi-fold windows and even a patch of synthetic grass to chill out on!
Third point of coolness is the inventor of Makedo, Paul Justin, whom has a love for creativity, the environment and his kids - who also love Makedo!
I especially like the example Makedo inventor Paul Justin used to describe Makedo's simplicity "at my breakfast table my kids don't see an empty cereal box as rubbish, they see it as something they can turn into something else using Makedo.."
Makedo isn't just limited to children, adults all over the world are using this product to make everything from fashion accessories to home furnishings! People are evening jazzing up their take-away coffee cups using Makedo!
Once the interview component was over I was really put to the test..I had to make a 'fancy swamp creature' using Makedo and recyclable products all on camera! At first my creativity was limited and I was focused on making a girly butterfly..but once my imagination was unleashed I was unstoppable and my creativity became dangerous and thus my freaky little alien monster was born...
Last week my crew and I were sent off to the very first Makedo marker event in Melbourne at Makedo headquarters.
Remember: Creativity, Recyclable, Reusable.
You get joiners/connectors, hinges and a safe saw in the Makedo kit right? Well, that's all you really need in order to get started because everything else basically comes to you - it's just a matter of keeping your eyes peeled and using your imagination.
See that's thing, once you have the Makedo kit your options are endless because objects are made using anything and everything that you may find in your own home, for example, cereal boxes, egg cartons, take-away coffee cups, shampoo bottles, etc.
We turned up to the shoot location and I think we were all pretty amazed by how cool the Makedo headquarters is.
First point of coolness is that Makedo headquarters is housed in a converted warehouse.
Second point of coolness is the open plan communal space that includes a trendy industrial kitchen, Philippe Starck Louis Ghost Chairs around the dining/meeting table (sigh), bi-fold windows and even a patch of synthetic grass to chill out on!
Third point of coolness is the inventor of Makedo, Paul Justin, whom has a love for creativity, the environment and his kids - who also love Makedo!
I especially like the example Makedo inventor Paul Justin used to describe Makedo's simplicity "at my breakfast table my kids don't see an empty cereal box as rubbish, they see it as something they can turn into something else using Makedo.."
Makedo isn't just limited to children, adults all over the world are using this product to make everything from fashion accessories to home furnishings! People are evening jazzing up their take-away coffee cups using Makedo!
Once the interview component was over I was really put to the test..I had to make a 'fancy swamp creature' using Makedo and recyclable products all on camera! At first my creativity was limited and I was focused on making a girly butterfly..but once my imagination was unleashed I was unstoppable and my creativity became dangerous and thus my freaky little alien monster was born...
TV presenter Chantal Leptos at Makedo |
Buy Online "here"
Enamel Diction
Apparently, the nail varnish you choose to wear has nothing to do with random choice or forward planning but has everything to do with who we are and what we do!
The very clever creators of Enamel Diction have put together a book which includes over fifty pages of full spectrum nail colours including fluros and metallics and looks beyond the gloss to look at what each enamel colour means to its dictator.
Have your iPhone's out when reading this bible because there are so many different references to music, literature, movies, pop culture and fashion that your mind will be boggled..might be worth having a pen and pad by your side to cite some of the references, they are genius!
Buy It Now: Enamel Diction AUD$29.95
The very clever creators of Enamel Diction have put together a book which includes over fifty pages of full spectrum nail colours including fluros and metallics and looks beyond the gloss to look at what each enamel colour means to its dictator.
Have your iPhone's out when reading this bible because there are so many different references to music, literature, movies, pop culture and fashion that your mind will be boggled..might be worth having a pen and pad by your side to cite some of the references, they are genius!
Buy It Now: Enamel Diction AUD$29.95
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Beautiful Rocks
Watch out world - Jennifer Yi is THE next generation jewelery designer, no seriously, she really is according to her recent Next Generation Jewelry Designer award!
It's not hard to see why Yi is taking the jewelry world by storm, her rocks are more than just 'shiners' and the best part is that Yi's designs all reflect aspects of nature making them both unique and interesting.
Let's look at the Diamond Engagement Nest Ring, this ring symbolises an actual nest (that's one of of looking at the engagement period) and the Ice and Storm Ring was created to reflect on leaves that lay under frost in the midst of winter. Charming indeed.
Let's look at the Diamond Engagement Nest Ring, this ring symbolises an actual nest (that's one of of looking at the engagement period) and the Ice and Storm Ring was created to reflect on leaves that lay under frost in the midst of winter. Charming indeed.
Brilliant and Beautiful, with capital B's (or A's if I were grading)!
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Diamond Engagement Nest Ring |
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Ice and Storm Ring |
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Pink Hot Air Balloon Ring |
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Heel Condoms..for your heels!
Why didn't I think of this?
Heel Condoms.. for your heels .. that allow you to dress up your shoes in many different ways and as often as you like!
Imagine this please; You have one pair of stilettos that you absolutely love because they look amazing and are super comfy but you feel uneasy about wearing the same pair of shoes out all the time.
Well, it may be a case of 'al chepo' and if so that's fine, but could it also be that you do indeed have other shoes to wear but they just don't beat these puppies in the comfort stakes?
No matter what the case, people are indeed going to think your a 'one shoe band' and that is very, very bad.
So, this super stylish and fashion savvy blog that has something to do with Champagne introduces you to Heel Condoms and you now have access to many different heel covers that totally change the dynamics of your shoes!
You do know what this means, don't you?
You can now be a 'one shoe band' and continue to wear your comfy puppies all the time! Simply change (or disguise) your shoes appearance by dressing them up!
Gone are the days of shopping for shoes to match your outfit! (Check them out here)
Heel Condoms.. for your heels .. that allow you to dress up your shoes in many different ways and as often as you like!
Imagine this please; You have one pair of stilettos that you absolutely love because they look amazing and are super comfy but you feel uneasy about wearing the same pair of shoes out all the time.
Well, it may be a case of 'al chepo' and if so that's fine, but could it also be that you do indeed have other shoes to wear but they just don't beat these puppies in the comfort stakes?
No matter what the case, people are indeed going to think your a 'one shoe band' and that is very, very bad.
So, this super stylish and fashion savvy blog that has something to do with Champagne introduces you to Heel Condoms and you now have access to many different heel covers that totally change the dynamics of your shoes!
You do know what this means, don't you?
You can now be a 'one shoe band' and continue to wear your comfy puppies all the time! Simply change (or disguise) your shoes appearance by dressing them up!
Gone are the days of shopping for shoes to match your outfit! (Check them out here)
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Beauty Gives Back
'Oh what a night' .. is the perfect phrase to use when describing my Sunday evening .. and 'oh what a cause' .. because it was all for charity.
My girlfriend and I hit Melbourne's inner social circle on Sunday night all in the name of charity! We drunk champagne and indulged in canapes with Melbourne's young, old, famous and familiar socialites all for the worthy cause of raising money for Queensland flood victims.
With entertainment by many of Australia's well known music and entertainment artists, a crowd full of beautiful people and a swank venue the night was well and truly a blast!
The raffle prizes were elaborate and very special items like 1990 Bottles of Dom Pérignon were won, the silent auction saw an original guitar signed by ACDC being sold!
Well, one things for sure, the beauty industry certainly knows how to throw one hell of a shin-dig and I look forward to the next .. a gal' could get used to this!
My girlfriend and I hit Melbourne's inner social circle on Sunday night all in the name of charity! We drunk champagne and indulged in canapes with Melbourne's young, old, famous and familiar socialites all for the worthy cause of raising money for Queensland flood victims.
With entertainment by many of Australia's well known music and entertainment artists, a crowd full of beautiful people and a swank venue the night was well and truly a blast!
The raffle prizes were elaborate and very special items like 1990 Bottles of Dom Pérignon were won, the silent auction saw an original guitar signed by ACDC being sold!
Well, one things for sure, the beauty industry certainly knows how to throw one hell of a shin-dig and I look forward to the next .. a gal' could get used to this!
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Anna Siassios with TV Presenter Chantal Leptos (from left) |
Monday, February 14, 2011
Love Me & Leave Me
With much thanks to high end fashion rental website Love Me & Leave Me you can now waltz through their Armadale door and "borrow" everything from Hermes through to the very latest Prada! No more clicking of the mouse and tapping of the keyboard, we have finally been given the gracious gift of trying on and hand selecting the items we wish to borrow!
Gone is the concept of high end fashion rental websites, Love Me & Leave Me have put their best foot forward and opened their very first real life boutique in Armadale, Melbourne.
The boutique is every fashion admirers dream with high-end couture, the worlds most exclusive handbags, as well as shoes and accessories most girls only dream about all for your borrowing pleasure!
The best part? No damage to the bank account, simply pay a week or month rent for the item you desire and off you go on your merry way!
Love Me And Leave Me- 1005 High Street, Armadale, 3143
1300 LOVE ME (1300 568 363)
Prada, Gucci, Chanel, LV, Hermes- I'll take it all!
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Pulling The Lever
They may require a little more effort than the much loved automatics but the lever machine is making a big comeback in Italy and are sneaking into a niche market here.
It seems as though we are taking a backward technological step toward a machine that requires a hell of a lot more muscle power as barristers are literally "pulling the shots" as appose to using their automated electromechanical pumps that have become the norm.
Europe is going bananas for the lever machine and it's not just the classic look and beautiful design that's driving this frenzy! Lever machines are reappearing in Naples and Rome which suggest that the demand for the traditional espresso is on the rise and is being well received by coffee drinkers world-wide.
In a nutshell, lever espresso machines are not pump-driven and they require different skills to operate, this is a manual brewing system which requires the barrister to take part in some serious training. The lever machine provides great control over the shot and produces a real coffee concentrate - this being much appreciated by coffee lovers as it provides an original, intense and truthful espresso.
Not only does the lever machine produce the best and most original form of espresso, it also looks fantastic! I can't get enough of the machine and can hardly wait to see this baby sitting in all it's glory upon my kitchen bench!
I think I like the idea of drinking real Italian espresso the way it's meant to be.. even if I'm not Italy.. and the idea of my barrister being an expert in their craft and focused on taking good care of my coffee certainly puts a smile on my dial!
It seems as though we are taking a backward technological step toward a machine that requires a hell of a lot more muscle power as barristers are literally "pulling the shots" as appose to using their automated electromechanical pumps that have become the norm.
Europe is going bananas for the lever machine and it's not just the classic look and beautiful design that's driving this frenzy! Lever machines are reappearing in Naples and Rome which suggest that the demand for the traditional espresso is on the rise and is being well received by coffee drinkers world-wide.
In a nutshell, lever espresso machines are not pump-driven and they require different skills to operate, this is a manual brewing system which requires the barrister to take part in some serious training. The lever machine provides great control over the shot and produces a real coffee concentrate - this being much appreciated by coffee lovers as it provides an original, intense and truthful espresso.
Not only does the lever machine produce the best and most original form of espresso, it also looks fantastic! I can't get enough of the machine and can hardly wait to see this baby sitting in all it's glory upon my kitchen bench!
I think I like the idea of drinking real Italian espresso the way it's meant to be.. even if I'm not Italy.. and the idea of my barrister being an expert in their craft and focused on taking good care of my coffee certainly puts a smile on my dial!
Monday, January 31, 2011
The Best Looks
A new year has begun and like always a new year brings new fashion. So, what's in store for 2011?
Thanks to my good friend and 'stylist to the stars' whom is based in La-La Land (Los Angeles), I am able to hook you up with very informed knowledge and ideas about the coming trends for 2011.
This time round I am going to try something new. Instead of blabbing on about what's hot and what's not I am going to show you pictures of different scenes that influence this years biggest trends.
I hope that this will allow you to creatively design your own look and style.
Thanks to my good friend and 'stylist to the stars' whom is based in La-La Land (Los Angeles), I am able to hook you up with very informed knowledge and ideas about the coming trends for 2011.
This time round I am going to try something new. Instead of blabbing on about what's hot and what's not I am going to show you pictures of different scenes that influence this years biggest trends.
I hope that this will allow you to creatively design your own look and style.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Love Journeys Exhibition
I went to a fantastic exhibition called Love Journeys to cover the exhibition and to also interview those involved and chat to the guests - all on camera of course!
I interviewed lots of people, including well known and influential Melbournians, so stay tuned for the release of the video footage and interview!
The free flowing champagne, wine and finger food was well complimented by the large french windows and doors, hardwood floors and french provincial fire places. If that wasn't enough, the library and sitting room made it even more than perfect. The classically curved stairs in the main foyer added a real sense of old world charm and can only be described in one word, darling.
I was in french provincial heaven (french provincial is my ultimate favorite decor style).
Apart from Julien being a very alluring Frenchman, he is also a published writer, film maker and artist, his latest creation being the Love Journeys Exhibition - which is brilliant.
Leyre's exhibition showcased photographs and literature surrounding 5 same sex couples each accompanied by their own personal story of migration to Australia. What's interesting about the couples is that one person from each couple is from Australia and the other abroad, so it really is a story of their Love Journeys and how they became a unity.
Julien decided to base each photograph around the traditional kitchen table and the food that decorated the table was significant of the couples origins, for example, a table might be dressed with Vegemite to symbolise Australia as well as croissants to symbolise France.
Julien's reasoning behind basing the photographs around the kitchen table was expertly explained during our interview; "In the gay world there is a saying that if you sleep with someone it means nothing, but if you have breakfast the next morning then it means something"
Julien Leyre's Love Journeys Exhibition presented by Midsumma Festival will be running from 17 January - 6 February at Alliance Francaise de Melbourne in St Kilda.
For more info see below;
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TV presenter Chantal Leptos at Love Journeys |
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Boots and Bowls
Today consisted of shopping in town with my mother. I originally went out to buy a dress from Alanah Hill but ended up buying a new pair of boots and a beautiful bowl due to Hill's lack of size 6.
I have no real reasoning behind the bowl other than to satisfy my weird obsession with Kosta Boda.
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Kosta Boda Contrast Bowl - White/Large. $400. Hand-made in Sweden, heavy and artistic. |
The boots? As it happens, every few years I find one item that wholly satisfies my leopard addiction, the time in-between generally showcases crap-o-la, as unfortunately most leopard print items are.
These boots = wholly satisfied.
Now, the picture of the boots does no justice and I will upload something of a professional nature soon.
Otherwise, click here to view the Bruno Magli Women's Autumn/Winter Collection as they are featured in brown.
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Bruno Magli Boots with platform and silver heel tip. $950. |
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
I Love Bags!
My love for designer bags is no secret so when I do turn up at home with a new addition to my wardrobe it's no real surprise.
One of my favorite accessories this month is the handbag I recently bought from Louis Vuitton. I chose the colour rubis in the hope of it bringing me good fortune - or so the story goes - and to match my purse.
There are 3 colours to choose from; rubis, ivory and noir.
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LV Alma Bag in Epi Leather from LV $1,630 |
Other than my passion for red, I also have a soft spot for leopard print and when I do see a brilliant item covered in the marvelous print I cannot resist the temptation to buy!
That's exactly what happened when I saw this beautiful scarf in LV, luckily the colour of my bag teamed with this scarf works very well. That's my justification anyway.
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LV Leopard Stole from LV $850 |
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