Sunday, February 6, 2011

Pulling The Lever

They may require a little more effort than the much loved automatics but the lever machine is making a big comeback in Italy and are sneaking into a niche market here.

It seems as though we are taking a backward technological step toward a machine that requires a hell of a lot more muscle power as barristers are literally "pulling the shots" as appose to using their automated electromechanical pumps that have become the norm.
Europe is going bananas for the lever machine and it's not just the classic look and beautiful design that's driving this frenzy! Lever machines are reappearing in Naples and Rome which suggest that the demand for the traditional espresso is on the rise and is being well received by coffee drinkers world-wide.

In a nutshell, lever espresso machines are not pump-driven and they require different skills to operate, this is a manual brewing system which requires the barrister to take part in some serious training. The lever machine provides great control over the shot and produces a real coffee concentrate - this being much appreciated by coffee lovers as it provides an original, intense and truthful espresso.

Not only does the lever machine produce the best and most original form of espresso, it also looks fantastic! I can't get enough of the machine and can hardly wait to see this baby sitting in all it's glory upon my kitchen bench!

I think I like the idea of drinking real Italian espresso the way it's meant to be.. even if I'm not Italy.. and the idea of my barrister being an expert in their craft and focused on taking good care of my coffee certainly puts a smile on my dial!

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