Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Enamel Diction

Apparently, the nail varnish you choose to wear has nothing to do with random choice or forward planning but has everything to do with who we are and what we do!

The very clever creators of Enamel Diction have put together a book which includes over fifty pages of full spectrum nail colours including fluros and metallics and looks beyond the gloss to look at what each enamel colour means to its dictator.
Have your iPhone's out when reading this bible because there are so many different references to music, literature, movies, pop culture and fashion that your mind will be boggled..might be worth having a pen and pad by your side to cite some of the references, they are genius!

Buy It Now: Enamel Diction AUD$29.95


  1. OMG, I just got it for all my girls. Now I can't stop wearing Fluro orange...

  2. I'm so totally baby pink!
