"Unfortunately you weren't successful but they thought you were really lovely"
If you told me that not getting a role didn't disappoint you, I wouldn't believe you. Anyone would feel slightly hurt at the very least, even for a minute.
I think that it's the feeling of hurt that's the secret to how it all works. The next time you feel the hurt, concerntrate on the feeling and remember it.
Method preparation, like method acting, only for real.
I'll have half a glass of wine, please.
We aren't drinking away our sorrows, we are being optimistic in a glass half full kind of way.
You see, by not winning the part you feel like you have lost. Right?
Wrong. The part was never yours to begin with so rightfully you have not lost anything.
Sure, you can see it as though you've lost to someone else, but acting isn't about competing with others, you are competing with your own personal best.
So, if you haven't lost, what have you done? Gained. You have gained audition experience, contacts, knowing that someone is interested in you hence the audition, and the bonus of experiencing "that feeling".
The key is "that feeling", you need to let it convince you that experiencing it isn't what you want and you need to do whatever it takes to limit its occurrence. Use it to Drive you.
Kick me in the guts.
Remember how I said that you should remember the feeling of hurt? You are going to kick yourself and use it.
Make yourself feel that disappointment on the day you audition, or any day, and ... drive.
Drive like it's stolen.
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