Thursday, August 1, 2013

Time is of the essence

Last minute auditions have always been my favorite, when I find out about an audition on the day my stress levels seem to be a lot lower and I generally have a more successful audition. I think it's due to the fact that I am aware that I haven't had a great amount of time to prepare and thus I tend to just "let it all go" and present a lot more naturally. I tend to trust myself and my ability a lot more and it's this trust that allows my natural, creative and personable personality to shine through without anything blocking (aka over compensation) my talent or ability. 
For me, the actual shoot is the easy part where I am easily who and what I need to be - minus the nerves.

In the case of my latest audition the "last minuteness" helped me a great deal... As my natural and stress-free self booked the job. 

See you on the TV x

1 comment:

  1. Always great to hear of Aussie talent kicking goals.
