Monday, December 6, 2010

Bangla Rd Lady Boys

The bright lights were confronting and the music was pumping from all directions, as I looked around all I could see was a sea.. no.. an ocean of people filtering very slowly along the street. Unable to see more than a few feet ahead my natural reaction was to look up, as I did I noticed many second story buildings that housed bars (of sorts), the balconies on the other hand housed Thai woman in skimpy get-ups that danced the night away exhibiting what I am sure was meant to be 'provocative dance moves'. Such 'provocative dance moves' consisted mainly of constant grinding and thrusting against a poll - watching these dancers was quite hilarious and very entertaining to say the least. If anything, they'd have a damn strong core!

Once I managed to maneuver my way further down Bangla Rd (imagine a cattle call) I noticed the one common theme - bars - and many of them, it was interesting to see that each bar was absolutely packed to capacity and beyond.
So, you have a plethora of people walking the street and probably hundreds of bars within a small capacity that are literally packed to the rafters, each bars music blaring and filtering through to the next, Thai locals selling bits and pieces attempting to raise their voices over the music just to speak with you, intoxicated pupils everywhere, grinders and thrusters..what's next?

Allow me to introduce you to the Lady Boys of Thailand.
In Thailand it is not uncommon to come across men who decide they want to be women, some completely and wholly and others who do not venture past the enjoyment of wearing women's dresses and high heels. I was absolutely fascinated and intrigued by the lady boys and my full attention was offered when-ever near. I think it was the notion of a man wanting to be a women, their gorgeous sequenced outfits and amazing ability to walk in sky high stilettos that first intrigued me, from there my curiosity grew.  I neutered such curiosity by ensuring that I was seated by the road side at my fav bar on Bangla Rd, thus I had full view and missed nothing.
The lady boys would parade the streets in groups offering to take photos with vacationers and handing out flyer's in order to promote their cabaret shows, they were very friendly and sociable people, until you referred to them as a 'man'. I witnessed a few 'f-offs' and what I consider to be 'manly range' toward offenders which confirmed to me that you can indeed put the man in a woman but you can't take man outta the man.

Now, if a male friend of mine was heading to Thailand for the first time the only piece of advice I would feel strongly about offering him is; The need to ensure that the Thai lady you may be interested in is in fact a lady! Why? Some of the lady boys are stunning and would never ever be considered or even associated with the male gender. I'm talking Adam's apple removed, breast implants, butt implants and down stairs ...reversed? Changed? Snipped? .. No longer there? Ouch.

On another note, here's an interesting observation for you; It was not uncommon, by any means, to see a male of mature age on a late night date with a lady boy, such mature age men were mostly westerners. Very interesting indeed!

So, why do men become woman in Thailand? After speaking with other vacationers, previous holiday makers and Thai locals it seems that there is one overriding reason as to why; Women make more money on the streets as both performers and dates where tourism is concerned.
Of course, some men are just incredibly intelligent beings whom realise that women rule. You go girl!

Bangla Rd was definitely the most happening strip at night, it was where everybody came together and in some way, shape or form partied the night away.. and least to say it was damn right entertaining.

Only in Thailand folks.


Lady Boys on Show - Bangla Rd

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