Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Top 10 New Year Resolutions

Here is a list of the top ten promises people make at the brink of a new year..AND for each resolution is an iPhone APP to help you stick to your guns..

1. Spend more time with family and friends
 App: Everguide helps you plan your next family activity with a list of events going on across the country

2. Tone the butt
App: Body Fitness offers calander style fitness planning

3. Tame that bulge
App: Calorie Track is customised for your own height, weight and goal weight, this app even monitors your daily progress and if you fall off the wagon, helps you get back on track

4. Kick smoking out the door
App: Quitter is like having a personal motivator. It records how many days you have been off cigarettes and how much money you have saved to keep you on track

5. Enjoy life more
App: Living Social offers savings on hotels, restaurants, adventure activities and beauty therapies for all major Australian cities and surrounding areas

6. Give away the bottle
App: Quit Drinking by Doctor Milne provides you with a plan to keep your mind on track and provides you with motivational quotes and sobering facts about drinking

7. Kiss debt good-bye
App: Monitor your expenses and stick to a budget with Expenses Lite

8. Expand the brain
App: Free French Tutor allows you to learn from your lounge room. With audio for all words and flash cards you are bound to be fluent in the language of love in time for Valentine's Day

 9. Get organised
App: Bento Organiser Track expenses, create to-do lists, manage your schedule. A complete personal organizer/information storage system

10. Extend a helping hand
Really? You expect to use an iPhone App to achieve this? Here's an idea - ask the next person you see if there is anything you can do to help them!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Popularity Contest

Have you ever wished that you knew what beauty products other women are raving about? 
Forget about brand, cost and what's in fashion - below are beauty products that do the job properly and most importantly are purchased at least every minute around the world by women just like you and I.

What: YSL Touche Éclat - Skin illuminating, great for under-eye and for masking fatigue
One sold every 10 seconds worldwide

What: Rimmel Hide The Blemish Concealer - A damn good concealer stick
One sold every 30 seconds worldwide

What: Nivea Creme - Moisturizing creme in a trusty blue tub
Five pots sold every minute worldwide

What: John Frieda's Frizz-Ease Serum - Serum to tame frizzy hair
Three bottles sold every minute worldwide

What: St Ives Apricot Scrub - Face scrub
One bottle sold every 20 seconds worldwide

What: Chanel No.5 - Chanel's most famous perfume
One bottle sold every 30 seconds worldwide